100 Mile Club

100 Mile Club

100 Mile Club is the elite school-based program leading the effort in the prevention of childhood inactivity and obesity across the nation.

More Than A Running Program

100 Mile Club, more than a running program, is committed to making our communities healthier and stronger. In today’s busy world, it is easy to overlook both family time and physical activity. When parents support their child’s activities, it doubles…

WALK AT ONE | Stay Healthy, Happy, and Connected

If you’re like us, you miss it…all of it. Teachers miss their students, students miss their teachers and friends, parents miss, well, everything…and we all miss the structure of knowing what is happening when. Inspired by Coach Patricia Hartson from Washington Elementary in CNUSD and what she has been doing in her neighborhood, we would like to share … WALK AT ONE! “1:00 pm was our afternoon recess time so we turned it into “Walk at One” to get fresh air and exercise,” she explains. Every day at 1:00PM, she goes for a short walk around her neighborhood, waves to her students, and it is catching on! Kids and families are joining her for a daily face-to-face, yet safely separated hello. Coach Hartson lives in the community where she teaches, and as she states, “We do practice social distancing, but this gives my students a chance to see me and know things are ok.” Kids are even writing messages to one another in chalk on the sidewalks to find the next day. Hartson shared her idea, then challenged communities, coaches, and teachers around the country to do the same. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!  Let’s all put the social back in to SOCIAL distancing! Every day you possibly can, at 1:00 your time, step outside and go for a stroll around the block or up the road, always remembering safety and proper social distancing, of course. On day one you may see no one, but keep it up and share what you are doing. Don’t give up, and on day 2 (or maybe 3 or 4) someone may be out that wasn’t before…and it will grow from there. Pair Walk at One with our 26-Day Challenge, and the miles and sMILES will multiply! It’s a commUNITY event…modified! Seeing neighbors and friends and a simple […]

Keep it Movin’ with the 100 Mile Club 26-Day Challenge!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Annie Bradberry 100 Mile Club® Executive Director 951-340-2290 [email protected] 100 Mile Club® Launches The 26-Day Challenge Keep moving during the COVID-19 shutdowns NORCO, CA — March 2020. Let’s Keep Moving! With schools closed across much of the country, we want to bring some fun to students during this time, empowering families to maintain a healthy and physically active lifestyle. A school-based program, 100 Mile Club offers a FREE way for students, teachers and families to remain physically active with smart, safe exercise at home, in a park, or in your neighborhood. For 26 days (or until school resumes, whichever comes first), track your progress and aim for an average of 1 mile per day. “We are in unprecedented times but one thing remains certain: our kids need and want to move and continue to work toward and achieve their goals”, stated Founder Kara Lubin. “The goal of this 26-day challenge is to help all kids retain some of the structure and normalcy they crave. 100 Mile Club® is here now and always to celebrate every mile with schools, families, and communities nationwide, helping kids stay active for life,” Lubin added. Our 26-Day Challenge is FREE for all to sign up and download our mile tracking sheet. Sign up and visit our web store below to download your FREE mile tracker and let’s keep moving! Our top priority is keeping our kids, schools, and communities safe, healthy, happy, and connected.     About 100 Mile Club 100 Mile Club®, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization engages and empowers kids and families to achieve a healthy lifestyle through physical activity nationwide; preventing childhood inactivity and obesity, one child, one school, and one community at a time. Since 1993, 100 Mile Club® has been the elite school-based physical activity program […]

Standards-Based Running Games to Spice Up Your Miles

Below are samples of two of our carefully-curated, slightly-silly, standards-based games and activities available to all enrolled 100 Mile Club coaches and schools. They are meant to be a playful addition to or alternative to running laps when (1) the weather is not cooperating, (2) you are stuck in a small space, or (3) when you just want to spice things up a bit. They are highly effective in engaging all students and score high on the fun factor, as well! Mile equivalents are within each lesson plan. Mile equivalents and tracking strategies are within each lesson plan. The games and activities sampled below are written in lesson plan form and reference SHAPE America’s National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.  Think of these games and activities as sprinkling salt on a delicious meal: Only use it if you need it and too much is never a good thing. PLEASE use these only as a supplement to running, rolling/pushing (wheelchair), and walking of actual miles. Those forward-moving miles bring sMILES and a sense of true accomplishment…they are where the magic happens! Enjoy these games and let us know how you liked them. PUZZLE RELAY: Practice teamwork, encouragement, cooperation, visual-spatial skills, and of course form and pacing. ACES:  A  fun way to integrate math and strategy in to your effective running session. The 100 Mile Club® is a free, simple, enjoyable, standards and evidence-based, and highly effective way to assist in the development of physically literate individuals, quality physical education programs, and can serve as a significant part of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP), addressing needs in all component areas. Learn more about Program and Package Options, register your school today, and begin the life-changing journey to 100 miles and beyond.