100 Mile Club

100 Mile Club

100 Mile Club is the elite school-based program leading the effort in the prevention of childhood inactivity and obesity across the nation.

Meet Your 100 Mile Club Program Specialists

The 100 Mile Club Programs Team never stop learning and finding ways to help our schools, teachers, and community members create 100 Mile Clubs that are effective, sustainable, and most of all…fun!  Though your Program Specialists primarily work in designated regions, any of our incredible and knowledgable team members can help you at any time. From a casual question to coordinating a district training to video or in-person mini-meetings, these experts are here to help you every step of the way.  Please meet your 2017-18 100 Mile Club® Regional Program Specialists.  B.J. Walker, National Programs Manager.  BJ has been with 100 Mile Club since 2007, when her own children signed up for the program. As a licensed, clinical social worker by degree, BJ’s kind, calm, wise, and ever-present style will set you at ease any time you need assistance, have questions, or need to rally your troops.  [email protected] | 951-340-2290   Sarah Kilcullen, Western Regional Program Specialist (WA, OR, CA, MT, ID, WY, NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM, ND, SD, NE, KS, AK, HI) Sarah joined the 100 Mile Club team in 2012 first as a volunteer, then a member of our ultra-endurance team, and now her passion is at work helping schools get up and running! Sarah’s quick wit and can-do attitude are a true asset for any school needing her expertise. Sarah is a go-getter! [email protected] | 951-340-2290   Karina Villaseñor, Southern Regional Program Specialist (OK, TX, AK, MI, LA, AL, TN, KY, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, MD, DE) Karina knows this program from the bottom to the top. She not only ran in 100 Mile Club as a student herself, she now has two children of her own in the program at their schools! Karina’s tenacity, enthusiasm, team spirit, and hard work will always guide you in the right direction!  […]

A Summer Wish for Our Students

Summer can be a magical time for kids. The freedom of a sunny day and the warm nights filled with crickets and stars can set the mind free. This list was originally written by Italian teacher, Cesare Cata in 2015. This summer, 100 Mile Club Coach Nancy Laines sent it to her kids but with some edits to fit their needs. We think it is beautiful and wanted to share with you… TO ALL MY STUDENTS: 1. In the early morning, go for a walk. Watch the sun rise, listen to the birds, and think about the things you love most in life and feel happy. The summer of 2017 is a great time to walk together. 2. Try using all the new words you learned this year. You can say more things, you can think more things and the more you can think, the freer you’ll feel. 3. Read, as much as possible. Not because you have to. Read because the summer inspires you. Read because it is the best form of rebellion. 4. Avoid all things, situations and persons that make you feel negative and empty. Look for stimulating situations and friends who appreciate and understand you for who you are. 5. If you feel sad or scared, do not worry. The summer, like all great things, puts the soul in harmony. Try keeping a diary where you can write about your feelings. 6. Dance – without feeling ashamed. On the street near your home or in your bedroom. The summer is a dance. It would be a shame not to be a part of it. 7. At least once, watch the sunset. Stand there in silence and breathe. Close your eyes, grateful. 8. Play a lot of sports. Even if you feel like you are not “good” at […]

Race Across USA in a Nutshell

Written by Darren Van Soye, co-Race Director, Race Across USA. On January 16, 2015, the Race Across USA Marathon Series will begin in Huntington Beach, California and pass through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and finally Maryland. During this event, runners will complete marathon (26.2 mile) stages. On Day 2, the runners will stop briefly at the headquarters of the 100 Mile Club® in Norco, CA. On Day 139, the runners will visit the White House in Washington D.C. to show their appreciation for the First Lady’s support of this important issue. On June 2, 2015 the runners will complete their journey at Edgewater Park, Maryland, across the street from Chesapeake Bay which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. The running distance from California to Maryland will total 3,000 miles. Race Across USA – 3 Minute Overview from Race Across USA on Vimeo. Planning your own Race Across USA with your Students If your school is not along the route, there’s another way you can participate! If your class has 20-30+ students, they could also start “Running Across the USA” as a team leaving January 16, 2015 and plot their miles using our amazing overseas partner, WORLD WALKING.  Each week or each day, you would add up all of the miles that they have run and plot it on our map or at World Walking using the custom Race Across USA Route. Your kids could be running right along with us! In fact, they might even beat us to Washington DC and, the next day, run right into the Atlantic Ocean! The reward for the kids is that they could see the sites using photos that have been uploaded to the website for each of the states. You can view New Mexico here. If […]

Team RAUSA to Run 3,000 Miles During 2014-2015 School Year

The 100 Mile Club® challenges kids to run (or walk) 100 miles during the school year. To date, the program has over 700 schools in nearly every U.S. State as well as three other countries – Canada, New Zealand and Japan. Now, a team of ultramarathoners will take their extreme sport to new extremes by running from coast to coast in support of childhood fitness. On January 16, 2015, the Race Across USA Marathon Series will begin in Huntington Beach, California and pass through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and finally Maryland. During this event, runners will complete marathon (26.2 mile) stages. On Day 2, the runners will stop briefly at the headquarters of the 100 Mile Club® in Norco, CA. On Day 139, the runners will visit the White House in Washington D.C. to show their appreciation for the First Lady’s support of this important issue. On June 2, 2015 the runners will complete their journey at Edgewater Park, Maryland, across the street from Chesapeake Bay which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. The running distance from California to Maryland will total 3,000 miles. In addition to a core team of ultrarunners running across the entire country, state runners will join this traveling caravan with the goal of running across one of the states along the route. The number of stages and total mileage will vary per state. Not surprisingly, the Lone Star State of Texas will account for the most mileage: a staggering 595 miles – or the equivalent of 22 1/2 marathons. The state with the largest elevation gain is Arizona, where the runners will climb more than 26,000 feet, equivalent to the height of Gasherbrum II, the 13th tallest mountain in the world. The runners will pass by […]

ChildObesity180 Revolutionizing School Physical Activity!

  100 Mile Club® FEATURED IN CHILDOBESITY180 GRANT OPPORTUNITY TO REVOLUTIONIZE SCHOOL PHYSICAL ACTIVITY First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move! Active Schools” encourages participation.  Corona, CA– February 28, 2013 – – The 100 Mile Club® is featured in a creative grant opportunity announced today by ChildObesity180’s Active Schools Acceleration Project (ASAP) to get kids moving in America’s schools. ASAP Acceleration Grants totaling $1,000,000 will be awarded to 1,000 schools to implement award-winning and innovative physical activity programs, including the 100 Mile Club®.  First Lady Michelle Obama is encouraging schools to apply for a grant through her “Let’s Move! Active Schools” campaign, which also debuts today. The 100 Mile Club® was one of nine winners named in ASAP’s 2012 Physical Activity Innovation Competition. ASAP Acceleration Grants are now giving schools across America the resources they need – seed funding, training, and support – to replicate The 100 Mile Club® and other great models. Each program offers a fun and flexible approach to school-based physical activity, ensuring a match for schools of all types, sizes, and in all geographies. The 100 Mile Club® provides students with the opportunity to run or walk 100 miles at school during a single school year improving school readiness to learn, creating better educational outcomes, building self-esteem and the overall health of children. With incentives given along the way, including a unique milestone t-shirt, lessons in goal-setting, determination, and team spirit are delivered alongside exercise. Research demonstrates that physically active kids do better academically and behaviorally, and schools are a great place for boosting children’s physical activity. Teachers, parents, coaches and other school wellness “champions” who are ready to take a leadership role in bringing physical activity to their school are encouraged to apply for an ASAP Acceleration Grant. Applications will be accepted through April 22, 2013.  For more information, visit www.ActiveSchoolsASAP.org. “With the support of the Active Schools […]

Medal/Recognition Ceremonies

  The 100 Mile Club® encourages team spirit by asking the kids to work together to help one another reach their goals. Some students make 100 miles by mid-January wile others struggle to reach their goal. it is important to not forget we are instilling goal setting, team camaraderie, and the joy of exercising. For those that do reach 100 we let these individuals savor the inner rewards that come from humility, poise, confidence and friendship as they help others reach their goals, too. We believe that every single individual has the ability to achieve true personal success and a new level of physical fitness by Accepting the Challenge of running 100 miles at school during a single school year. The 100 Mile Club® does not award medals to those who hit 100 miles until the end of the year awards presentation. The 100 Mile Club® Medal Ceremony has its origins right in my little classroom, and began the first year of The 100 Mile Club® Project over 27 years ago.  You can do pretty much whatever you want to celebrate, but DO SOMETHING!  Here are the basics: EVERYONE receives a certificate with the total miles run/walked written in and signed by the Site head Coach/es. Even if they walked just a few miles, they are recognized for making the effort. Make sure that everyone wears their 100 Mile Club® t-shirt the day of the ceremony.  It is spectacularly unifying to have everyone in their tees, and it LOOKS really cool!  Take pictures! Only those who run/walk 100 miles will receive a medal.  Everyone knows this going in, so it is no surprise.  Trust me when I say that the medal is a huge motivator, and so is the recognition by one’s peers.  The will work for it, and if they […]