Race Across USA in a Nutshell

Written by Darren Van Soye, co-Race Director, Race Across USA.

On January 16, 2015, the Race Across USA Marathon Series will begin in Huntington Beach, California and pass through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and finally Maryland. During this event, runners will complete marathon (26.2 mile) stages. On Day 2, the runners will stop briefly at the headquarters of the 100 Mile Club® in Norco, CA. On Day 139, the runners will visit the White House in Washington D.C. to show their appreciation for the First Lady’s support of this important issue. On June 2, 2015 the runners will complete their journey at Edgewater Park, Maryland, across the street from Chesapeake Bay which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. The running distance from California to Maryland will total 3,000 miles.

Race Across USA – 3 Minute Overview from Race Across USA on Vimeo.

Planning your own Race Across USA with your Students

If your school is not along the route, there’s another way you can participate! If your class has 20-30+ students, they could also start “Running Across the USA” as a team leaving January 16, 2015 and plot their miles using our amazing overseas partner, WORLD WALKING. 

Each week or each day, you would add up all of the miles that they have run and plot it on our map or at World Walking using the custom Race Across USA Route. Your kids could be running right along with us! In fact, they might even beat us to Washington DC and, the next day, run right into the Atlantic Ocean! The reward for the kids is that they could see the sites using photos that have been uploaded to the website for each of the states. You can view New Mexico here. If you have questions or are interested in learning more about how your classroom can participate, please Contact Us.

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100 Mile Club
100 Mile Club

100 Mile Club is the elite school-based program leading the effort in the prevention of childhood inactivity and obesity across the nation.