Tips to Build Confidence!
“CONFIDENCE: You must believe in yourself if you expect others to believe in you.” – Coach John Wooden Our 100 Mile Club participants are taught to have confidence by believing in themselves, trusting their journey, and not comparing their success with others. Students gain the ability to control their own motivation, behavior, and social environment by applying their confidence in their daily life. Our mission is to empower students and families to achieve a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. 3 Tips to Build Confidence! Praise effort. Offer praise for effort, progress, and attitude. This type of praise helps them work toward goals. Focus on strengths. Focus more on strengths than weaknesses. Kids feel better about themselves when they understand their strengths. Let kids help and give. Allow your students to support and help each other toward their goals. Helping builds confidence and a good feeling for kind acts. Having daily opportunities to practice confidence helps kids grow. Every child is different, and confidence may come easier to some kids than others. But a child’s confidence can GROW!! Where to buy the book: We recommend buying Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success or Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success at Amazon and supporting 100 Mile Club at no additional cost to you with Amazon Smile! How to add 100 Mile Club as your Amazon Smile non-profit: Go to, select your non-profit (hopefully us!), and shop! A portion of your order will support 100 Mile Club at no additional cost to you. Bookmark for continued support year-round!