Kara Lubin

Kara Lubin

#justsayhello in COACHES CORNER!

Are you a 100 Mile Club® Coach? Are you new? Returning? Where are you? What are you most excited about? Stop by our COACHES CORNER and visit our forum called, “HI! Nice to meet you (#justsayhello)!” and introduce yourself… This week, we are drawing one lucky coach from the “#justsayhello” forum to win some cool 100 Mile Club® GEAR! Click here to log in and introduce yourself today!

Start small. Grow STRONG.

If you feel overwhelmed with the possibilities, you are not alone!! You can do SO MUCH with 100 Mile Club®…sometimes the possibilities are intimidating, so if you feel the excitement and don’t know what to do or where to begin, read this. Start Small & Grow STRONG!! Some of our strongest and most deeply-rooted programs started in just a class or two. In fact, THIS WHOLE ORGANIZATION began in a single classroom. 12 kids and 1 teacher, leading by example. If you are feeling overwhelmed, remember this… DREAM BIG. start small. Do what you can with what you have where you are. ~Roosevelt Do NOT let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. ~Wooden The fact that you are here reading this right now means that you “get it”, that you want to do something special for your school, that you care. 100 Mile Club® is supposed to be something that LASTS, something with deep roots that changes the culture of physical activity. Spend time making mistakes, learning, and growing your 100 Mile Club® YOUR way. Deep roots take time, so know that it is OK to take your time and let your 100 Mile Club grow naturally.

ADOPT-A-PILLOW TODAY! Own a part of 100 Mile Club® History

Upcycling never felt so good (and comfy)! These one-of-a-kind pillows are made from vintage 100 Mile Club® tees with so much love by my (Kara’s) mom…who is the cutest mom and grandma out there! Our pillow designer, Dot Lubin (Kara’s mom). Isn’t she the cutest? Each of these handmade pillows is looking for a Forever Home. We love them so much that we even named them…and each will go to its new home with a beautiful adoption certificate. Here’s how you do it: 1.  Find the pillow/s you love. 2.  CALL US, tell us who you would like to adopt, and complete your adoption over the phone (we will run your adoption fee on the spot and email or text you a receipt). 3.  OR…if you are local, come on in and just pick one up in person. CALL TO ADOPT:  951-340-2290 starting at 7:30 am PST on Monday, July 14, 2014 ADOPTION FEES: small pillows $20- + shipping (if needed)* big guys $25 + shipping (if needed)* *Shipping is $5 for the first pillow and $2 for each additional pillow. The whole objective is to help us connect with you and for you to have a piece of The 100 Mile Club® with you always. Your adoption fee/donation is tax-deductible according to applicable state laws. Are you ready to meet our pillows?? Just click the Facebook Photo Album below and look at all the cute pillows we have to offer. If they are taken, we will say so in the comments section. ♥ Feel free to comment but you must call or come in to finalize your adoption. Adoptions are first come, first served…Good Luck! Post by The 100 Mile Club.

Royce and Will: Two kids who show us what 100 Mile Club® (and life) is all about

Royce and Will are 5th graders at Lake Hills Elementary. Both are competitive boys who embrace The 100 Mile Club® for all it is worth. Though we ask kids to focus on PERSONAL goals vs. competing with others, there is never anything wrong with healthy competition… especially with these two! Both boys wanted to be the one with the most miles in the school, but it seemed that Royce was bound and determined to make his 100 first and FAST! Royce reached his 100th mile before Holiday Break…there seemed to be no stopping him. He was on his way to being top dog in his class! Shortly after this (and quite unexpectedly), Royce was diagnosed with an invasive form of cancer and immediately began undergoing highly aggressive treatments. He missed a lot of school, but whenever he was there, he would rack up mile after mile, never complaining about his treatments, hospital stays, or pain. It was his running that made him feel happy. whole. alive. It’s what made him feel like everything was going to be ok. Royce’s friend Will noticed that his own mile totals were growing, inching closer and closer to Royce’s. Soon HE would be the one with the most miles in the school…not Royce. Will should have been thrilled! He wasn’t thrilled at all. Will told his mom one day, “You know mom, if Royce wasn’t sick, he’d be kicking my b – – – at 100 Mile Club.” That’s when Will made an incredible decision. No matter what happened, Will decided that he would not pass Royce in miles. No matter what, Royce would remain the leader…even if Will had to help him do it. Will didn’t stop running to allow Royce to stay ahead of him…instead, he made the decision to run for […]

Random Awesomeness Happening in Schools Everywhere!

It’s a very cool thing to be overwhelmed with great news. Here are some of the fabulous emails and pics we have received lately. Our coaches are total rock stars, our kids are INCREDIBLE, and we all make a pretty awesome team. Take a look at the great news we have been receiving! Jog-a-thons Abound! What better way to raise valuable funds for your school? Jog-a-thons are direct donations with healthy perks and miles count, of course! Big Thompson (or Big T for short) held a jogathon last week and rocked it up one side and down the other! Thank you coach Stephanie for sending us pics! She writes, “We love the (100 Mile) Club at Big T and can’t wait to start again next year! Here are a few pictures from our Jog-a-Thon we hosted last week. Enjoy!” For more pics, click here. Membership in The 100 Mile Club sure has its perks! A gentleman from Universal Studios Hollywood called a couple of days ago. He’d found a lost wallet, but the only identifying information was a 100 Mile Club® Membership Card. He wondered if we had membership records, because there was an address in there as well, but he wanted to verify it. We did little mapquest research, found the address was right across the street from Alexandria ES in Los Angeles and we called the coach right away. She checked yesterday and we just heard back this morning…He was their student and is being reunited with his wallet! Getting Faster! “Here is a picture of our awesome runners of The 100 Mile Club. We were timed in the mile yesterday and three of us ran in the 8 minute range. I am so PROUD!” – Coach Ana “Mini-Mes” are Everywhere! “Attached please find some picture of our smallest 100 Mile Clubbers.  Both are siblings of […]

Solano Avenue School: No whining. No complaining. No excuses.

Solano Avenue Elementary School in LAUSD has every excuse in the book NOT to Accept the Challenge of The 100 Mile Club®. Seriously. No space to run? CHECK. Solano literally has no playground. They did have one. It was about the size of 2 basketball courts. You can see it in the map. That is gone now, making way for more classrooms. Solano is surrounded on 3 sides by hills which create a walled-in feeling in this adorable mini community. They sit in the shadow of Dodger Stadium on the west, and the 4th side is cropped off by the 110 Freeway. Talk about being hemmed in!! How did they solve it? They have mapped out several routes around the tiny little neighborhood and once (sometimes twice) a day, they stop, stand, and exit the school.  Their walks around the block are legendary!  They have made time before and after school a few days a week for kids who want extra miles, too! Also, they utilize a local park just steps away from the school. In short…they make it work. No time to run? CHECK. The teachers at Solano are under the gun.  Just like you. Closing achievement gaps, maximizing instructional minutes, common core looming, meetings, meetings, meetings, trainings, AHHHH! They have it all. Just like you. How did they solve it? Well, at Solano, there is no such thing as no time to run. Teachers at Solano know that for every minute spent moving, they earn back those valuable instructional minutes lost because of “the wiggles” and other off-task behavior. They know that Exercise boosts brain power and they use it well (John Medina, Brain Rules)! No place to hold outside events? CHECK! This school is about as urban as it gets. How did they solve it? They found a beautiful […]

100 Mile Club®: HNOJ Donate to 2014 Caballo Blanco Kids Run/Corrida de los Caballitos

The 100 Mile Club® Kids from Holy Name of Jesus School in Los Angeles, CA learned about the Caballo Blanco Kids Run in Mexico, and they wanted to help. Traditionally, the kid-runners at the Caballo Blanco Kids Run receive a goodie bag filled with school supplies after the race. My good friend Patrick Sweeney told me that the kids always need pencils. Pencils. Just pencils. So I told the school director, Deacon Jim Carper…and he told the kids. What happened next was very special. During our 100 Mile Club assembly, which was held in the school sanctuary, we noticed that each child in the audience was holding a pencil. Some were plain yellow #2 pencils, some were colorful, some pink and sparkly. There was even a Lakers pencil! One by one as our assembly ended, each child walked to the altar and placed their pencil in a metal container. Some kissed their pencils before giving them away. Many brought 3 or 4 pencils. There were even a few colored pencils. Light blue they told me…like the sky. This video is almost 7 minutes of kids placing pencils in a bucket one by one. Somehow it is mesmerizing. These kids each gave what they could and the result is pretty powerful. The lesson here: If everyone gives just a little, your bucket will overflow… ________________________________________­____ NOTE: The Caballo Blanco Kids Run (see video above) is free and over 400 kids participated last year. Each kid received a T-shirt, a medal and a bag full of school supplies. The 2014 Kids Run hopes to be even bigger but needs your help. If you have school supplies you can donate or know of a person or company that would like to sponsor the 2014 Kids Run please contact [email protected] or email the CBUM […]

100 Mile Club® Kids Give Back AGAIN

The Barton Hills Elementary 100 Mile Club® in Austin, TX  had the honor of receiving a visit from Gilbert Tuhabonye. Coach Gilbert survived tragic events in his country of Burundi and became a national champion runner. He currently coaches track and cross country in Austin and speaks about forgiveness to national audiences. His foundation, the Gazelle Foundation, raises money for water projects in Burundi. As a special project of the 100 Mile Club, our runners independently decided to collect money for the Foundation at our practices. Many BHE children went through their own piggy banks – one donation came with a note that read  “$3.24 pennies”. Others searched the closet and car floors and asked their parents and siblings.  Their coaches are very proud of the work of their little runners and are so grateful for the chance to help other children. In a matter of 2 weeks, the Barton Hills 100 Mile Club Kids collected $380.50, which they donated to the Gazelle Foundation. This amount could provide clean water for 15 children in Burundi for the rest of their lives. Here is a picture of one of our runners, Katrina Heide, with Gilbert, as she gave him the check for the kids’ donation. Learn more about Gilbert Tuhabonye and Gilbert’s Gazelles here: OWN Original Shorts: Gilbert Tuhabonye, Running Special thanks to Laura Minnigerode, a proud parent volunteer, who sent us this story on behalf of Barton Hills 100 Mile Club®.  

Spreading like WILDFIRE in South Carolina!

We were so excited to receive this nice message from Kari Walker, PE Teacher at Lone Oak Elementary in Spartanburg, SC. Thank you Kari, for being a TRUE CHAMPION!! Kari writes: As the only PE teacher at this Title I elementary school, for the past 6 years I have been trying to find ways to reach my students about the importance of health and being active. I only saw them once per week for PE class up until this year. Now I see them twice, but it just wasn’t enough time to ingrain in them the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. A childhood obesity task force was recently formed in our community and through our schools FitnessGram BMI data they found that our children have a higher obesity rate than the national average. I knew I needed to do something to help my kids and when I saw Michelle Obama’s healthy schools initiative and the ASAP grant, I thought I’d give it a try. I kicked-off the 100 Mile Club in conjunction with our school’s “Walk to School Day” at the beginning of October. In one month, I have over 20 students already reaching 25 miles (we have only had 20 school days in that time frame, so these students have earned OVER 1 mile EVERY DAY!!!). They have about 30 minutes each school day to acquire miles, if they choose (morning fit kids plus recess time). The real amazing part, is that it is ALWAYS their choice to run/walk and earn miles, and they are never required to do them. They take their own recess time to earn miles!!! When I go outside and observe this, the majority of the class runs/walks for all or most of their recess time. I see some students walking and reading, chatting […]