100 Mile Club® Kids Give Back AGAIN

The Barton Hills Elementary 100 Mile Club® in Austin, TX  had the honor of receiving a visit from Gilbert Tuhabonye. Coach Gilbert survived tragic events in his country of Burundi and became a national champion runner. He currently coaches track and cross country in Austin and speaks about forgiveness to national audiences. His foundation, the Gazelle Foundation, raises money for water projects in Burundi. As a special project of the 100 Mile Club, our runners independently decided to collect money for the Foundation at our practices.

Many BHE children went through their own piggy banks – one donation came with a note that read  “$3.24 pennies”. Others searched the closet and car floors and asked their parents and siblings.  Their coaches are very proud of the work of their little runners and are so grateful for the chance to help other children.

In a matter of 2 weeks, the Barton Hills 100 Mile Club Kids collected $380.50which they donated to the Gazelle Foundation. This amount could provide clean water for 15 children in Burundi for the rest of their lives.
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Here is a picture of one of our runners, Katrina Heide, with Gilbert, as she gave him the check for the kids’ donation.

Learn more about Gilbert Tuhabonye and Gilbert’s Gazelles here:

OWN Original Shorts: Gilbert Tuhabonye, Running

Special thanks to Laura Minnigerode, a proud parent volunteer, who sent us this story on behalf of Barton Hills 100 Mile Club®.


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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin