100 Mile Club®: HNOJ Donate to 2014 Caballo Blanco Kids Run/Corrida de los Caballitos

The 100 Mile Club® Kids from Holy Name of Jesus School in Los Angeles, CA learned about the Caballo Blanco Kids Run in Mexico, and they wanted to help. Traditionally, the kid-runners at the Caballo Blanco Kids Run receive a goodie bag filled with school supplies after the race.

My good friend Patrick Sweeney told me that the kids always need pencils.


Just pencils.

So I told the school director, Deacon Jim Carper…and he told the kids. What happened next was very special.

During our 100 Mile Club assembly, which was held in the school sanctuary, we noticed that each child in the audience was holding a pencil. Some were plain yellow #2 pencils, some were colorful, some pink and sparkly. There was even a Lakers pencil!

One by one as our assembly ended, each child walked to the altar and placed their pencil in a metal container. Some kissed their pencils before giving them away. Many brought 3 or 4 pencils. There were even a few colored pencils. Light blue they told me…like the sky.

This video is almost 7 minutes of kids placing pencils in a bucket one by one. Somehow it is mesmerizing. These kids each gave what they could and the result is pretty powerful.

The lesson here: If everyone gives just a little, your bucket will overflow…

NOTE: The Caballo Blanco Kids Run (see video above) is free and over 400 kids participated last year. Each kid received a T-shirt, a medal and a bag full of school supplies. The 2014 Kids Run hopes to be even bigger but needs your help. If you have school supplies you can donate or know of a person or company that would like to sponsor the 2014 Kids Run please contact teameldo@gmail.com or email the CBUM race directors at :
josue@ultracb.com or maria@ultracb.com

Thank You, KUIRA BA

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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin