Start 2013 on the right foot! Our programs are designed to support people of all ages.



Our program is simple. Run or walk 100 miles at school.

The program runs the course of one school year.

Activities begin with a thorough analysis of each new school. Founder Kara Lubin uses this information to develop a realistic plan for each school site helping you put the program into action.

Whether you’re a local school or across the country we are here to help you from beginning to end.

Teachers learn how to manage the program and are provided all the necessary tools needed to carry out the program for the school year helping their students reach their individual schools. Many schools do not have running tracks and fields become their way to log miles. Together we can ensure a safe path is provided for the students.

By walking or running daily or few times a week students learn first-hand the benefits of exercise and begin to look forward to reaching their individual goals.

Each school is provided support throughout the year with helpful suggestions and instructions to implement the program from beginning to end. Through interactive media tools we stay connected helping make The 100 Mile Club® run smoothly and positively.

We take the struggle out of starting a physical fitness program by providing a clear mission, vision, philosophy and set of incentives that can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

On-going support and staying connected is important to ensure school participation will be carried out for the entirety of the school year.

    • On-site training introduces administrators, teachers and PTA to 100 Mile Club principles and workings through team-building assemblies.
    • District wide trainings are provided as needed. For schools out of our area conference calls and live webinar type presentations are informative for the teachers and fun for kids.
    • Telephone calls, e-mail consultation, social networking, a weekly Newsletter that includes updates and coaching tips, and head coach meetings keep everyone connected.

 We take the struggle out of starting a physical fitness program by providing a clear mission, vision, philosophy and set of incentives that can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

The program can be duplicated to suit any school regardless of size and any community with the desire to get fit and healthy.

The program is safe, fun and consistent and can be modified to fit the needs of all children. The program can be tailored for use before school, during or after school.

The program is safe, fun and consistent and can be modified to fit the needs of all children. Working towards the goal of running or walking 100 miles provides students with an easy, fun and safe way to add physical fitness into their daily lives. It is our goal to inspire our students to want to keep fitness in their lives now and into adulthood.

The program can be tailored for use before school, during or after school.

We make goal setting realistic for children with a clear beginning, middle, and end. We create an even playing field bringing kids together that otherwise would not interact with one another. Our goal is to change the way kids feel about themselves. By focusing on individual fitness, each child develops a sustainable set of skills, confidence, and motivation to live a healthy for life.


      • Students learn how to set their own goals and the value of self-monitoring.
      • Students learn how to exercise safely and instill fun and healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
      • Milestone incentives provide rewards and excitement to help kids stay focused during the school year and year-end Medal Ceremonies celebrate the year’s achievements for all students with a certificate of completion and gold medal for those who completed their 100 miles.
      • We celebrate the success of all children who participate.
      • We get kids moving and healthy.



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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin