Running Resolution! 🏃‍♀️🎆

2023 is here, and it’s time to start the year RUNNING! Whatever your resolution, it’s never too late to set your running goals toward 100 miles. Every time you lace up your sneakers, run with purpose and, of course, HAVE FUN! Our FUN RUN themes will motivate you to start the new year running 30 years strong.

Run out the old year, and welcome the new with friends and family with our favorite themes for January: 

  • New Year, New YOU. Bring a New Year’s wish or goal and drop it in a “wishing well” (a sparkly or decorated tub).
  • Hot Cocoa Run. Bundle up and have some healthy hot cocoa ready for your little runners!
  • Beanie Weather Run. Find your favorite 100 Mile Club beanie that will keep you warm and happy while you pile on the winter miles.

Together, we’re committed to making running fun and encouraging for all. Make your 2023 resolution to encourage someone else to run this year and stay active to create beautiful memories with friends and family.



Click the image for Resolution to RUN! We make running fun with a Spotify playlist to celebrate MILEstones and keep moving all year long!
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Karina Villasenor
Karina Villasenor

Karina Villaseñor joined the team in 2016 as a Program Specialist. Karina's role has expanded over to social media and branding as the Brand and Marketing Manager.