Meet Tristan.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -Lao Tzu This is so true. Just ask Tristan, a young boy with a big goal. Tristan set a goal at the beginning of the year to complete 1,000 miles. He set his mind, grabbed the 100 Mile Club Calendar of Events, and made a plan.His plan: Show up and GO. Every single mile Tristan ran, walked, skipped, or sauntered was at school or at a sanctioned community event. Every mile was with his commUNITY. Every mile was documented by a coach. Every mile was a little closer to his goal. Everyone knew what Tristan’s goal was so we all greeted him with sMILES and enthusiasm every day. His mom never questioned his ability to complete this mission. She just helped him show up. If Tristan was not at a community walk, everyone asked where he was (this did NOT happen very often, obviously). Tristan was a fixture on the “100 Mile Club® Circuit” this year. In this quick interview, Tristan is just a couple of days from his cutoff for the 2016-17 school year. The “slips” that he references are credit slips issued to him at CommUNITY Events, sanctioned races, and open school fun runs. What did Tristan learn this year? In his words… “When you always believe in yourself, it always becomes true.” What did we learn from Tristan? 1. SHOW UP. 2. Take a step…A single step. Then another. And another…. that plus a little hard work, perseverance, focus, enthusiasm, and spirit will get you to your goal. 3. OH. and of course …always believe in yourself and it will always come true. Thank you Tristan, for teaching us what is possible.