Kara Lubin

Kara Lubin

Meet Tristan.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -Lao Tzu This is so true. Just ask Tristan, a young boy with a big goal. Tristan set a goal at the beginning of the year to complete 1,000 miles. He set his mind, grabbed the 100 Mile Club Calendar of Events, and made a plan.His plan: Show up and GO. Every single mile Tristan ran, walked, skipped, or sauntered was at school or at a sanctioned community event. Every mile was with his commUNITY. Every mile was documented by a coach. Every mile was a little closer to his goal. Everyone knew what Tristan’s goal was so we all greeted him with sMILES and enthusiasm every day.  His mom never questioned his ability to complete this mission. She just helped him show up. If Tristan was not at a community walk, everyone asked where he was (this did NOT happen very often, obviously). Tristan was a fixture on the “100 Mile Club® Circuit” this year. In this quick interview, Tristan is just a couple of days from his cutoff for the 2016-17 school year. The “slips” that he references are credit slips issued to him at CommUNITY Events, sanctioned races, and open school fun runs. What did Tristan learn this year? In his words… “When you always believe in yourself, it always becomes true.” What did we learn from Tristan? 1. SHOW UP. 2. Take a step…A single step. Then another. And another…. that plus a little hard work, perseverance, focus, enthusiasm, and spirit will get you to your goal. 3. OH. and of course …always believe in yourself and it will always come true. Thank you Tristan, for teaching us what is possible.

Hot Weather Hints and Tips: Keeping your cool when the weather isn’t.

The heat is on! Walking or running in the heat is possible and doesn’t have to leave you out of luck or stuck inside. Hot weather can often turn people away from letting their kids run outdoors, but with the proper preparation it can be done safely and enjoyably. Benefits of Running in Summer/Warm Weather Being active year-round is important and summer is a great time to be active (which is why we love our CLUB262 Summer Challenge!). Longer days make for extra time to get in that 60 minutes of recommended daily physical activity and extended daylight hours make running in the morning and evening much more enjoyable and feasible. Take the following hints and tips into account before attempting to run in hot weather conditions. Wait! Is it Ever Just Too Hot? Every school district has guidelines specific to their region and climate, so please refer to these when making decisions about heat related activities. The American College of Sports Medicine reports that the risk of developing heat-related illness while exercising is highest when the Wet Bulb Globe temperature exceeds 82F. The hottest part of the day is between 12-4pm and this time should be avoided on hot days. That said, one should check the air quality and the heat Index to make the best decision. Air Quality. Before heading out on your run, it’s a good idea to check the air quality index and the heat index. If the air quality index is code orange, and you’re sensitive to air pollution and/or have upper respiratory problems, you may not want to run. If it’s code red, it’s not suitable for anyone to run. Heat Index. The Heat Index tells you what the temperature feels like when combining the air temperature and the relative humidity. For example, if […]

Coach Shelley Grimes Named Enterprise City Schools Teacher of the Year

The team at 100 Mile Club HQ sends cheers and congratulations to Coach Shelley Grimes! By Cassie Gibbs cgibbs@southeastsun.com | Shelley Grimes has taught physical education for 18 years, with 12 of those years at Harrand Creek Elementary School. Grimes knew from being an athlete in high school and college that she wanted to share what she learned from her mentors and playing sports to the next generation of students. She said she loves teaching physical education at the elementary level, where “most students still want to participate in physical education, giving (me) the opportunity to lay the foundation for skill development needed to be lifelong movers.”  She knows that not every student is an athlete or wants to be one. “Student choice is the key to making physical education exciting and beneficial to each student,” Grimes said. “That look of sheer excitement that a student shows when he or she makes that catch, reaches the last monkey bar, or finishes that final mile, is what keeps getting (me) up early each day so (I) can greet each child with a smile.” Grimes was instrumental in creating the 100 Mile Club at HCES. Four years ago, she received an ASAP Acceleration Grant as part of former-First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Active Schools initiative, which encouraged promoting students to be active for 60 minutes a day through various programs. The 100 Mile Club’s mission is to “engage and empower kids and families through physical activity nationwide; preventing childhood inactivity and obesity, one child, one school, and one community at a time.” “I started a before-school running/walking club where students come to school early three mornings a week to walk, jog or run in an effort to achieve 100 miles before the end of the school year,” Grimes said. “We also […]

100 Mile Club + Billion Mile Race = VICTORY!

We’re teaming up with our friends at the New Balance Foundation Billion Mile Race this month to offer up an awesome giveaway. 10 SCHOOLS WILL WIN THEIR CHOICE OF: A 100 Mile Club® SUPER COMBO Pack (25 Signature Incentive Packages + Customized School Banner) or A New Balance Shoe Library Scroll down for more details on prizes!  HERE’S HOW TO ENTER:  ACTIVATE your school at Billion Mile Race if your school has not already done so (make sure to indicate you’re a 100 Mile Club school!), OR… POST miles to your Billion Mile Race profile if you’re already enrolled.  At the end of February, we’ll randomly select 10 winners to choose their prize. It’s that simple.  Not familiar with Billion Mile Race? The New Balance Foundation Billion Mile Race is a national campaign challenging America’s schools to walk, jog, or run a collective one billion miles.  Participation is 100% free and your school has the opportunity to earn cool grants and prizes to support your awesome 100 Mile Club®.  Our schools log epic amounts of miles, so we want all of our schools to take part in the Race. If you’re already signed up, hats off and race on! Take 2 minutes to sign-up or post miles now and get entered into the drawing. Questions? Contact the team at Billion Mile Race, us here at 100 Mile Club®, or give us a call at 951-340-2290. Let’s do this! CLICK BELOW TO: ENROLL IN THE RACE OR POST MILES TELL ME MORE ABOUT THOSE PRIZES!    New Balance Shoe Library (up to $499 value).  Winners will receive a selection of New Balance shoes in a range of kids’ sizes to keep on hand for those times when kids come to PE or 100 Mile Club without appropriate footwear. Let students borrow from the library and never miss a run session again.25 Signature […]

Pre-Order YOUR “No Excuses” Tee Today!

It’s unique, exclusive, and amazing…just like YOU! It’s 2017, and you deserve a shirt that is as determined and awesome as you are. Debuting at Run4Kids on March 25, 2017, our official 2017 “No Excuses” T-shirt is now available for custom pre-order ONLY! Our mantras: Always Earned. Never Given. and No Whining. No Complaining. No Excuses. are proudly emblazoned on the back of this awesome tee. If you want one of theses must-have pieces of history, you’ll need to pre-order BY MARCH 6TH, 2017.  Your tees will be available for pick up at Run4Kids on March 25, 2017. Shipping is available for orders placed through our online Spirit Wear Shop.   This special shirt is available in adult and youth styles, and extended sizes as well. Show your spirit and order TODAY for yourself or your whole family. Click below to get started…  

CSUSB + 100 Mile Club = CommUNITY Spirit and FUN!

CSUSB Basketball + 100 Mile Club  California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) is partnering with 100 Mile Club® for the 2016-2017 CSUSB Basketball Season. ALL 100 Mile Club® Kids receive FREE admission to CSUSB home basketball games this season.  How cool is THAT?? Together, we hope to provide the opportunity for our kids and families to visit the campus, connect with the players, team, and university, and encourage involvement in CSUSB campus activities.  Please click here for printable flyers in English and Spanish. How does it work? Bring your 100 Mile Club® Challenge Accepted ID Card or wear your 100 Mile Club T-Shirt for Free General Admission to participants 14 and under. Parents and additional guests are $3.00 each.  Where? CSUSB Coussoulis Arena 5500 University Pkwy San Bernardino, CA 92407 When?  Women’s Game: 5:30pm Men’s Game: 7:30pm FULL SCHEDULE: Click here to view the schedules online. Thursday, December 29: CSUSB vs. Stanislaus State Friday, January 6: CSUSB vs. Chico State T-Shirt to the first 150 Wednesday, January 18: CSUSB vs. San Francisco T-shirts to the first 500 Saturday, January 21: CSUSB vs. San Marcos Military Appreciation Friday, February 3: CSUSB vs. East Bay T-shirts to the first 250 Saturday, February 4: CSUSB vs. Monterey Bay Friday, February 17: CSUSB vs. Humboldt State Hats to the first 100 Saturday, February 18: CSUSB vs. Cal Poly Pomona Bags to the first 150 Thursday, February 23: CSUSB vs. UC San Diego Mini Balls to first150 Saturday, February 25: CSUSB vs. Dominguez Hill T-shirts to the first 50 Please stop by the Main Box Office before each game for your tickets. We look forward to seeing you at the games! Go 100 Mile Club & Go ‘YOTES! 

Avondale is Going the Extra Mile

Post inspired/contributed by Susan Jackson, SKILL Transition Facilitator It’s official!  The Avondale SKILL program in Rochester Hills, MI is part of the 100 Mile Club!  We have an awesome bulletin board.  Every 5 miles walked, a student is chosen to mark our success with his/her favorite shoe cutout.  Every 25 miles the students get to celebrate. Here’s how Avondale celebrates MILEstones: Mile 25 – create your own healthy smoothie Mile 50 – Walk the 50th mile at Great Lakes Crossing Mall. Mile 75 – Celebrate with a movie and a healthy snack. Mile 100 – Walk the 100th mile at Stony Creek Metro Park. We love this program,” says Coach Susan Jackson, “because it is simple, within our budget, and exciting to track. Thank you 100 Mile Club!!!!” Thank YOU, Coach Jackson! We think you are TOPS. Keep moving forward and celebrating every mile!

St. Elizabeth Hits the Ground Running

St. Elizabeth School in Alice, TX truly hit the ground running last month! On the day of their formal in-school 100 Mile Club® kick off, the high school track team joined in on the fun. “It was amazing!” declared Coach Carolina.  The day this delightful school began their journey to 100 miles the mayor of the City of Alice, TX gave a proclamation:  The day was officially declared “St. Elizabeth School 100 Mile Club Day”. Their 5k Glow Run boasted 634 participants, the largest race on record for the city and highest fundraiser in school history.  Here they are celebrating and holding Monsignor Pivonka! Way to set records, runners! 

September Coaches Corner #justsayhello Winners!!

Thank you to all who posted in our forums last month…even if it was a self intro. We picked one winner every weekday of September and on Monday we will begin mailing out your surprises! BONUS! On Monday, we will pick one coach/school who has posted in Coaches Corner #justsayhello Forum to win a Schools Spirit Starter Set, including: A CUSTOM 100 Mile Club® banner One (1) set of MILEstone signs Three (3) sets of MILEstone stickers A cool 100 Mile Club® Snapback Cap for the lucky Coach! Here are our lucky winners so far: 9-1 Amanda Amtmanis 9-2 Leigh Anne Sandy 9-6 Stephanie Densborn 9-7 Carol Roy 9-8 Deb Cardin 9-9 Carissa Howard 9-12 Hector Rico 9-13 Toni Kellerman 9-14 Sean Perri 9-15 Sydney Erlikh 9-16 Jennifer Hitt 9-19 Amy Eisenhower 9-20 Henry Roman 9-21 Jason Erikson 9-22 Val Rodholm 9-23 Susan Polonski 9-26 Denise Holt 9-27 Ramon Martinez 9-28 Chris Weatherford 9-29 Roberta Tichy 9-30 Angie Rogers We will draw our final winner this evening and our Grand Prize Winner on Monday*. You still have time to post! Get in there and say hello! You could win big!! *Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winner…RAMON MARTINEZ! We will be in contact shortly to get your info for your new banner! CONGRATS and thank you for posting and sharing in Coaches Corner!  

Schools are Ground Zero in Colorado

Schools ground zero for campaign tackling ‘average’ fitness ranking of Colorado kids Article written by Pam Mellskog For the Times-Call Colorado ranks as the No. 1 healthiest state in the nation if you overlook its children, who rank 24th nationally in terms of physical activity. “There is this underbelly people don’t see much. We call it the ‘Colorado Paradox,'” Sarah Kurz, LiveWell Colorado’s vice president of policy and communications, said. The Denver-based nonprofit that champions access to healthy food and physical activity responded by launching the “No More 24” campaign in August to raise more awareness around the issue. Fewer than half of Colorado kids — about 45 percent — get the recommended amount of physical activity each week, according to the 2015 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey. Fallout from that inactivity explains, in part, why the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reports that 27 percent of kids statewide weigh in as obese or overweight. “But we don’t really think that the obesity epidemic in Colorado kids exists only because of those kids making poor personal choices,” Kurz said. “… Just knowing someone’s income or ZIP code is a real predictor of whether they will be overweight or obese.” For example, the more affluent Boulder County is one of the leanest counties with about 21 percent of youths in the overweight or obese category. Downstate, in less affluent Pueblo County, 40 percent of kids fit that description, Kurz said. “In either case, if the environment doesn’t allow for activity — if there isn’t regular physical education at school, no park where they live, no sidewalks or road shoulders — the barriers to activity can go beyond inconvenience to safety risks.” Schools as ground zero  Since kids spend about half their waking hours at school during the week and some […]