Thank You for Signing Up!

Thank you for signing up for 100 Mile Club TO GO!. What a fun way to keep moving and stay active all year long!

Below, you’ll find tools and tips to help you get started and make your year a success.  And if you have any questions, we’re just a phone call or email away!

Share photos and video snippets using the hashtag #runlikeakid or #100MileClub. Join our dedicated 100 Mile Club Facebook and Instagram pages and share your adventures with us. You just might be a star!

Most importantly, run or walk your miles with joy.

Let’s have an awesome year!

WHAT is included in the ELITE or ULTRA-ELITE Packages and WHEN are they earned?


  • Challenge Accepted ID Card – Given when you start. Be sure and read the wonderful wisdom written on the back!
  • Annual 100 Mile Club Sticker Give this at any time! It’s fun on water bottles, notebooks and more!
  • Dog Tag Keychain – Give this at the beginning or at any time!
  • (Ultra-Elite only) Collapsible Water Bottle – Enjoy on your journey.
  • (Ultra-Elite only) Drawstring Bag – Take it with you and be proud.
  • (Ultra-Elite only) Folding Flying Disc – Give it a throw on your next run!


  • MILEstone T-Shirt – Earned at 25 miles. Begin wearing this fun shirt, mark the first box on the back, have fun and be creative. Share on social media, celebrating each 25 mile goal to 100!
  • MILEstone Pencil – Earned at 50 miles. Plus, mark the ‘50’ box on your shirt, you’re half-way there!
  • MILEstone Wristband – Earned at 75 miles. Again, mark the ‘75’ box on the shirt and keeping going.
  • (Ultra-Elite only) “WOW” Certificates – 4 additional certificates are are provided. A fun affirmation to remind yourself of your achievement.
  • MILEstone Stickers – 25, 50, 75, 100 mile stickers are fun and can be placed on the “WOW” certificates, water bottles, etc.


  • Year-end Certificate – No matter miles achieved, celebrate your efforts with our beautiful year-end certificate!
  • GOLD Medal – To celebrate your achievement for reaching 100 miles.  This is a BIG deal and great accomplishment! WTG!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will receive your complete incentive package (except for gold medal) upon order. It is up to you to reward as each MILEstone is reached on your journey to 100 miles or more. Remember: Always Earned, Never Given. 

Trackers and Spreadsheets

Modified Mile Trackers

Our classic, fun mile trackers, now with parent signature and date fields for added accountability when running from home.

Mileage Log

A simple, 1-month log to track miles earned per day. Includes distance, date, and parent initial fields.

Apps for Tracking Miles

Mobile apps can be a great way to maintain accurate, precise mile tracking wherever your program takes place. But not every app is created the same! Many apps offer different features designed to fit a wide variety of runners, but some offer key distinctions that make them more suitable for specific uses. Below, we’ve highlighted a few of our favorite apps for tracking miles, as well as insights we’ve learned from using each of them, and how they might best fit your specific situation.

Disclaimer: 100 Mile Club is not affiliated with any of the below applications and has no control over their privacy or data usage policies including but not limited to GPS location tracking. As such, we highly recommend reviewing these policies before creating an account for yourself or your children.

World Walking

This app can be summed up in one word: FUN! World Walking is more than just a mile tracker; it allows you to go on ‘virtual walks’ anywhere in the world by choosing one of countless destinations in the app. It’s perfect for staying connected with your friends and community too, with group walks that emphasize teamwork and perseverance to reach HUGE goals. Create your own group with your friends and/or join our 100 Mile Club group and walk with us across the entire country!

If you’re looking for a simple GPS mile tracker, there may be better options on this list. But for a fun, creative way to stay connected while running, World Walking is a great choice!


A classic mile tracker, Strava has earned its reputation over the years and combines easy to use tracking with more advanced features for those who need them. Walks/runs are all saved and easily viewed later, making it easy to maintain accountability and encourage yourself or your child to set and beat their personal time/distance goals. Social features are also built in, making it possible to see how your friends are doing and celebrate their achievements right in the app.

For an easy way to track miles, share progress and keep accountability, Strava has been one of our top recommendations for years, and it continues to deliver a great experience today.


Another very reputable mile tracking app, Runkeeper offers plenty of features and puts extra emphasis on setting, training for, and achieving goals you didn’t think were possible (anyone want to run a 10K?) Plenty of statistics and insights are available to track your progress, and even more are available with a paid subscription. There are basic social features here as well, including the ability to create and join groups, view your friends activity, and more.

While we find Strava a bit more intuitive and straightforward to use, this will come down to your personal preference. Runkeeper does a good job of offering plenty of options and customization to work for a variety of walkers/runners, but some of the more advanced features and training options require a subscription to access.