SPOTLIGHT SCHOOL: Quail Valley Elementary Enters Year Three with a TWIST!


I’d like to introduce myself, my team, and tell you a little bit about what we are doing at our site for the 100 Mile Club®.

My name is Ginamarie Richards and I have taken over as co-coordinator for the 100 Mile Club at Quail Valley Elementary School in Menifee Union School District in Quail Valley, California.

I am a 5th grade teacher, the GATE Coordinator at our site and I also have my own personal child at my site. I am running the program with two 2nd grade teachers as well, Frankie Torres and Isela Smith.


This is our third year participating in your wonderful program and it continues to grow and grow each year.  We have not only the students and the teachers participating but parents, school site staff and our community members, as well as grandparents, aunts and alumni.

This year I thought it might be a great opportunity to make this program a student-driven project.  I have incorporated our GATE students into the entire aspect of The 100 Mile Club®.  It is so exciting to see them running with the younger students, tallying laps, adding all the miles, going from class to class to retrieve lists and putting up the miles run by the whole school on their grade level charts.  I have been able to get them special name badges so they look official and they will be getting special 100 Mile Club® shirts.


Another aspect of your program that I will be incorporating into the GATE students differentiation is they will be doing data analysis with the miles run, make charts and graphs for the grade level as well as, hopefully, do a 5K run as a team at the end of the year.

It is so exciting seeing this integration and how great it is for our students.  I just wanted t you to know how we have incorporated your fantastic program to not only benefit our school physically, but academically and at a level that will secure the desire for heath, community and service.

Thanks again for allowing me to share this news with you and for this tremendous program.


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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin