School Spotlight: Bill Roberts Elementary School, Denver, CO

Special thanks to our guest videographer/blogger/storyteller:  100 Mile Club® Coach Heather Jergenson.

William (Bill) Roberts ECE-8 School is located in the Stapleton neighborhood of Denver. Bill Roberts is a friendly, dynamic, hardworking, high achieving, wonderful place for kids and their families. We are a tightly knit community of teachers, staff and families who believe in giving our children far more than a basic education.

Roberts E-8 is a creative, safe, and dynamic community of learners that nurtures and educates the whole child. Our high-caliber staff, in partnership with our supportive parents, provides students with challenging and innovative learning opportunities through exploring the arts, educating for character, and fostering vigorous thinking — all essential for success in our changing world.

Our Active PTA donates thousands of volunteer hours and raises over $170,000 every year. Bill Roberts PTA supports a host of programs across all disciplines in addition to the 100 Mile Club.

Other programs found here include:

  • Boltage – tracking students traveling to and from school by foot or bike
  • Community Garden – offering students opportunities in growing healthy foods
  • NFL FuelUp to Play 60 – Featured school for the 2014-15 Denver Broncos Season
  • Girls on the Run – Giving young women the chance to find their inner athlete
  • JumpRope for Heart – Supporting the American Heart Association
  • Family Fun Run – Annual 5k neighborhood event hosted by Bill Roberts

The 2015-2016 school year brought the 100 Mile Club back to Bill Roberts. Our Physical Education teachers, John Bellis and Keegan Nadon coordinated efforts with the “coaches,” Heather, Kristin, and Michelle. These three ladies, with the help of dozens of parent volunteers, held thirty minute club sessions every weekday morning before school. In the Fall and Spring, these sessions are held outside, but when the Colorado winter strikes, this tireless crew heads inside to run laps around the basketball court. The kids are undeterred by the change of venue, and continue accumulating miles all winter long.

44 kids registered in 100 Mile Club this year, with 115 prizes earned, and 18 kids reaching the 100 Mile mark. The highest mileage accumulated was 180 miles, and over 3,000 miles were tallied by all participants.

Kids who earned their 100 Mile Club Gold Medal were treated to a special ceremony in front of their classes on Field Day.

From a parent: This program has been great way to introduce our girls to the importance of exercising everyday and it has also reinforced that a little progress each day can lead to big results!”

Thank you for sharing the joy at Bill Roberts ECE-8 School, Coach Heather! We are so proud to have you part of The 100 Mile Club® Family. 

Learn more about our guest blogger, Coach Heather of Grace & Pretzels, here and at the links below. 

Heather’s YouTube Channel:


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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin