Jogging for Joe | One Coach’s “Why”

Submitted by Peggy Tattersall, Head Coach JBE 100 Mile Club, Jacksonville Beach, FL

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

This is my fourth year being involved with our school’s 100 Mile Club program. But it is my first year as Head Coach. To be honest, I was scared to take on this role. Terrified, actually. I am not a runner. Never have been (and honestly have no desire to be 😂). But I have seen what a difference this program has made in the lives of our students. I may not be able to run, but I can certainly help in other ways. So I put aside my fear, and I gave it a shot.


This is Joe. He is a 3rd grader at our school, and an avid member of our 100 Mile Club. He has earned his Gold Medal for the last three years, and was well on his way to making it four years in a row when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia just before Spring Break. He was at 92 miles.

But…this kid. 💛 He is not ready to give up. He is determined to reach 100 miles. He wants that Gold Medal.

So, on days when he is feeling well enough, in between his chemo treatments, we work with Joe and his family to come up with his “What’s my Mile” for the week so he can continue to be part of his 100 Mile Club CommUNITY.

And because he *will* reach his goal. 🏅


More information about “What’s My Mile” available to registered schools in Coaches Corner.

Joe’s mom tells me that it is one of the few things they have found that makes him smile, and has motivated him. 💕 Before his diagnosis a little over a month ago, he was at 92 miles. This mile above will put him at 97, I think. He is so close. ❤️


On April 27th, our 100 Mile Club hosted a very special run. Jogging for Joe was the day where we celebrated Joe’s spirit and determination and honored the DeWale Family. The best part was that we got to award Joe a special 100 Mile Club hat and his finisher poster!



Kids understood why we were all there. They walked, talked, played, celebrated, and simply enjoyed these special moments together. It was perfect.


Some people may wonder why someone like me…who is absolutely NOT a runner, and not a fitness junkie…why I would be “Coaching” an elementary school running club.

It is for moments like these, when you’re not quite sure who is inspiring whom. For the moments when you’re reminded of all that is good, despite the many moments when it feels like you question everything else.

For the moments you notice all the smiles.

For. The. Moments. ❤️

(We know why someone like you would be coaching…because this is you “get it” Peggy. 100 Mile Club is about SO much more than running. It’s about love & friendship, kindness & care, goals & support, and lifting one another to new levels of excellence…and YOU, amazing human, are teaching these kids to care for one another and leading by example. YOU are a magnificent 100 MILE CLUB COACH.)


Learn more about this incredible 100 Mile Club by visiting their inspirational Facebook Page at JBE 100 Mile Club.



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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin