Team Spirit and Action…Loyalty and Resourcefulness. THESE are the qualities of our TWO “Get-It” Awards this month.
Our first Get-It Award goes to a school in year two of The 100 Mile Club®, but with a set of first-year coaches! Canyon View Elementary School in Irvine, CA had a good start in 100 Mile Club, but when these moms took over…the sky was the limit!!
These ladies pulled it all together with the most TEAM SPIRIT we had ever seen. From the day of the kickoff assembly to the way they have integrated playground supervisors and facilitators from the city, they’ve managed to create a dynamite team that is helping ALL kids become successful. The joy, love, and spirit we see at Canyon View…it’s a beautiful thing. They GET IT!
In addition, their decisive ACTION to recognize monthly class efforts on a beautiful webpage and with a perpetual, traveling trophy has made everyone so excited to pull together and make 100 Mile Club AWESOME!
Hat’s off to CANYON VIEW ELEMENTARY and Coaches Kim Konte, Michelle Toulmin, and their incredible TEAM of volunteers! You make TEAM SPIRIT and ACTION look gooooood!!

Our next Get-It Award takes all the way to Springfield, Massachusetts (where basketball was invented!).
Brookings Elementary School is ALSO in year two of 100 Mile Club and coach Joe Trivisonno embodies the truest spirit of Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, specifically the blocks LOYALTY and RESOURCEFULNESS stand way out!
The families at Brookings are incredibly dedicated to 100 Mile Club. Arriving every day right on time, they have seen a SHARP decline in tardies and absences since the program began. In addition, the sheer number of parents who show up to walk each day is growing each month. Brookings has truly made 100 Mile Club a family affair!
If you look up the word resourcefulness in the dictionary, you just might see a photo of Brookings. Two years ago, their school was destroyed in a tornado and they have been in a joined set of modular buildings ever since. When the weather is bad, they run the halls. When they need to celebrate, they borrow the auditorium at the local college. They virtually walked to California and scheduled a video chat with me (Kara)…which was a BLAST!!
You can’t tell Brookings CAN’T…they simply CAN.
They don’t just make due. They overcome.
They never whine. They never complain. They NEVER make excuses.
When their new school is done, they will have a gym and yard and everything they haven’t had for so long. Their 100 Mile Club Coach, affectionately known as “Mr. T” once told me, “I don’t even know what we’re going to do with all that room…were so used to being on top of each other!”
We know what you will do. You will be even more awesome! ROCK ON Mr. T, Mrs. Powe, Mrs. Mayfield, Ms. Maynard, and the ENTIRE Brookings Family for being strong, steadfast, loyal, resourceful, and fabulous!
Teamwork makes the dream work! It’s a bi-coastal celebration…Congrats to Brookings in Springfield, MA and Canyon View in Irvine, CA! We love you all!