DEERING SCHOOL: No whining, no complaining, no excuses.

Do YOU know where Deering, Alaska is?  In case you don’t, it’s right HERE (STILL don’t know?  Click below and a map will open up!):

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Deering is a city in the Northwest Arctic Borough in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is located on a sandy spit on the Seward Peninsula where the Inmachuk River flows into Kotzebue Sound, 92 km southwest of Kotzebue. The city covers an area of about 5 sq miles (13.73 km²)  Source: Wikipedia

When we received a call that we would have a 100 Mile Club in Alaska, we jumped for joy! Coach McMullen had a CAN-DO attitude from the first phone call.

Hi. Does snow-shoeing count? Teacher/Principal McMullen asked…Because we are way up here, close to the Arctic Circle.

That was when we knew that Deering School HAD to become part of our family!  This is a NO EXCUSES school! They aren’t letting anything stand in their way.

Yesterday, we received our first update from Deering School.  (Mind you, today the HIGH was 20°F (-7°C)!!)


Here at Deering School just below the Arctic Circle the weather is starting to get a little chilly; however, that is not stopping us from completing our 100 mile goal.  

Each week there is a different theme for participants to motivate them to complete their 100 miles.  This week it was “Cowboy Up Run” where all the students put on a mustache and a hat and took to the gym.  

In the coming week we have

  • “The Knight Challenge,” (Medieval Theme)

  • “Hollywood Hills” (Movie Theme)

  • “GOAL, GOAL, GOAL” (Soccer),

  • “Hula” (Hawaiian),  just to name a few.  

The 100 Mile Club participants enjoy the decorations, costumes, and music of the various themes.      

Thank you Coach McMullen for keeping us posted and letting us know that 100 Mile Club can be successful ANYWHERE!  We love you!

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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin