More Than a Check Mark: Promenade Marks Tees With Flair!

Promenade Elementary School in Alvord Unified School District has a long history with 100 Mile Club®. Since 2011, this school has been encouraging daily physical activity and goal setting in a truly enthusiastic and supportive setting. You can just FEEL the energy when you step on campus! This year is no different. With 435 runners and a goal of 50,000 miles, these kids are on the move!IMG_6429

Head Coach Shay Hernandez has built an incredible team at Promenade, encouraging each of her volunteers to “do their thing” to help the program find it’s own unique personality. What she didn’t know was that an incredible artist would emerge to make their 100 Mile Club t-shirts one of the most amazing pieces of art these kids will ever know.

Jennifer Tamplin, a working mom of two (Kiera, 2nd grade & RJ, age 3) has stepped up the tee-marking game at Promenade.

When a runner hits 25 miles, the 100 Mile Club Tee is presented with a customary and adorable paw print (They are the Panthers of course). After that, things get wild! Once a runner hits 50, 75, or 100 miles…the game is on!

Kids may submit their tee to Coach Jennifer, and she will paint whatever a child asks in that tiny 1.5″ square box. Armed with an itty-bitty paintbrush and a whole lot of love, Jennifer gets to work. They know they may have to wait a little, but it is always worth it.

Here are some examples of her incredible tiny masterpieces (click each image to view larger):

Someone likes superheroes.


This little runner finished his 50th mile on Thanksgiving, so what better to put in the box than a turkey? Also, you can see their traditional paw print in the 25-mile box.


Sweet Elsa is hand-painted inside the tiny box for a Frozen fan. Beautiful.

…and of course, there is a certain movie coming out this week that has certainly inspired some kids to request some pretty “out-of-this-world” characters in their boxes. Check it out…


Darth Vader and R2-D2 grace the boxes of a 50 and 75 miler.


It looks like this tee is for someone named Lucian…BB-8 is looking cute. Is it ok to say that an android is cute? 🙂

And finally. The one that gave us chills…the most renowned little Jedi Master in galactic history:


Are you impressed? We sure are! Coach Jen Tamplin is a volunteer that encompasses what we encourage all of our 100 Mile Club volunteers to do. 

Find the thing you love…the thing at which you excel, and do that thing to make 100 Mile Club better. 

When you share your passion and give hard work, love, and enthusiasm to these kids and to 100 Mile Club, it simultaneously feeds and strengthens our mission and helps share and strengthen your own spirit. It is truly a win-win. 

Thank you Jen, for sharing your talents and spirit with 100 Mile Club and our tiny runners at Promenade. We are so lucky to have you in our world. 

…and in the spirit of Yoda, we leave you with this quote that somehow pertains to our kids as well as the galaxy:

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? No. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.―Yoda, to Luke.

Happy running and of course…May the Force Be With You.


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Kara Lubin
Kara Lubin